To Flip or Not to Flip – Is Real Estate Investing for You?
Have you been toying with the notion of house flipping? They sure make it look easy on television. Doesn't seem to be much to it. You buy a rundown house, fix it up and whammo! You strike gold and get your own tv show. Eh... Not so fast. Before you set out on becoming the next real estate magnate, you need Continue reading...
Hottest Season to Buy A Rental Home in DFW
Hunting for a single-family rental home around Fort Worth or Dallas? The hottest season for the buyer's market is when it’s cold outside. A new study by HomeUnion shows you can score a 17.3 percent discount on a rental home if you buy it during the winter. HomeUnion puts the median summertime price of a single-family rental home in DFW Continue reading...