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Summer Got You Off Track? Here are Five Tips to Get Back in the Groove and Ready for School

As we bid July, a fond farewell, it means the school bell will start ringing soon.  And if you have been a little lax on bedtime routines and bathing schedules, you may begin to feel a little panic creep in.  

But don’t worry, we have a few tips to help transition back to school. Hopefully, these tips will make your morning routine a little easier and a little less chaotic. Oh, and maybe start working in those early bedtimes now.  

Five Tips for Making Back to School Morning Routines Easier

Pick Out Clothes the Night Before 

Trying to get everyone ready and out the door in the morning may have you feeling like a member of a Nascar pit crew most days. But by eliminating some of the fuss in the morning like battling over outfits. You could save some of your sanity.  Try picking outfits the night before.   

If agreeing on what to wear is part of the struggle, give your kiddo a few approved options. Then let them make a choice.  

Pack Lunches Before Bed 

Now, we aren’t trying to load up the chore list you have before hitting the pillows. But the more you can do before bed, the better off you will be in the morning. Preparing lunches the night so you can grab them in the morning on the way out will help tremendously. Especially when you have to spend most of your morning convincing your kiddos to brush their teeth.  

Feeling Saucy? Prep Outfits for the Whole Week 

Want to be a super-achiever? Pick the week’s clothes out on Sunday. Then you will have the whole week taken care of. And less work to do each night. Also sticking socks and underwear into shoes or into pockets of the outfits will help to keep track of these elusive items. It never fails they go missing right before time to get dressed.  

You Aren’t IHOP, Narrow Down the Choices for Breakfast 

While we all want our kids to learn to make their own decisions. Breakfast may not be the ideal time to let them assert that independence. Too many choices just makes it harder on everyone.  Select a few easy options for weekday breakfast meals. You may want to have a few backups that can be eaten on the way to drop off for those mornings when your kiddos seem to be dragging. Which if we are honest, is probably most mornings.  

Be Firm on the Morning Rules 

If your child likes to wake up and ease into the morning, by watching television, lay down the law that they must be ready to walk out the door before the tv comes on.  It will save you and preserve your voice from all the back and forth about getting ready.  Plus, it will incentivize them get ready a little bit quicker.  

Lastly, remember you aren’t alone. Parents everywhere are facing the same reality. Just try to take a deep breath and remain calm.  Your kids are like wild animals, they can smell your fear. Besides, soon as you drop those little wild things off, you can hit up Starbucks for that much needed iced coffee.