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Maximize Your Home’s Value with a Professional Stager

Maximize Your Home’s Value with a Professional Stager


When buyers view your home, their decision on whether or not to make an offer is obviously largely dictated by your home’s appearance. It’s imperative that your home looks great for each and every potential buyer who walks through the door. One of the best ways to ensure that your home will look great is to take advantage of the services of a professional home stager. Maximize your home’s value!

Home stagers are not only familiar with interior design and manipulating the fixtures of your home to best possible effect. They also know how to make your home appeal to the buyer in a way impacts their final decision.

The following are a few of the major reasons to have a home professionally staged:
  • Statistics prove the value of home stagers! It is estimated that a seller spending around $500 for home staging will make more than 340%  back when the offers come.
  • Most homeowners can’t be objective about their home. Your perspective will always be biased by the fact that you’re dealing with your own home. You probably won’t be able to effectively look at your home with the eyes of a potential buyer or a professional stager.
  • Furthermore, the typical buyer won’t see all the potential. If you don’t have your home staged, its potentials may be overlooked by those who come in for viewings.
  • Keep up with the competition. Today’s real estate market is competitive! Others selling homes in your neighborhood will also likely be putting some effort and time into home staging. You should put home staging to use to help you sell your own home.

After your home is professionally staged, you’ll no doubt feel like you’re walking through your rooms for the first time. It’s also surprising how much a home stager can alter and improve a home’s interiors. Invest in a home stager and you’ll most likely enjoy enormous returns when buyers begin making offers.

Contact Minteer Real Estate Team if you’re thinking about selling your home to learn more about your home’s value and what we can do for you.